Modern PLCs & DCSs have enormous capability in a plant automation setting. There is good deal of difference in the capabilities of DCS as well as PLCs. DCS offers an integrated development environment which provides more powerful remote process control computers. DCS also functions as a supervising control which maintains quality at the desired level intended for the product.

Process Control Systems for Small Systems

For small systems a PLC+PC based system is perhaps the best possible solution, which may even supersede the goods delivered by a DCS.

Remember, DCS is however costlier than a PLC+PC based system. Scan times of PLCs are very less; so critical loops can be executed faster. However, PLCs do not have a rugged architecture and hence cannot be used for very large systems.

Dealing with Specific Inputs: Direct Digital Control

PLCs have to be programmed to output a particular function when given a set of specific inputs. The feedback of the process is accepted by the computer in discrete times and sample data, individually processed by many continuous analog and digital sensors, each working in its own statutory procedure.

In the direct digital control, the computer calculates the values of the input variables necessary to the process and transmits them to the program. The direct coupling of the process to the computer is called “direct digital control' which is an integral part of the process control system. The direct digital control coupled with the PLCs and DCS make the automation of any industrial setup very efficient and reliable.

In a Nutshell

So, there you have it – all about the process control systems. Additionally process control charts are used for representing the flow of work in a manufacturing set-up.

You can find a lot of valuable information in this process control systems shinskey PDF (you need to download it)

You may also read more on Pneumatic and Electronic Control Mechanisms and Access Control Systems here



Basics of Control Systems: